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VIENNA/ State Ballet: NEWS: Alessandra Ferri – New Ballet Director of the Vienna State Ballet (Wiener Staatsballett)

25.10.2023 | Ballett/Performance

Wien/ Staatsballett: attitude -Interview mit Alessandra Ferri

NEWS: Alessandra Ferri – New Ballet Director of the Vienna State Ballet (Wiener Staatsballett)
Just for the record…4
 As the song goes: Happy Days are here again…

We are very glad to announce that with the Beginning of the 2025/26 Season, the Vienna State Ballet will have Alessandra Ferri as its new Director.

These great News for the Ballet World were announced today at a press conference given by Bogdan Roščić, Director of the Vienna State Opera and Miss Lotte de Beer, Director of the Volksoper Vienna.

We, a t t i t u d e, are glad to welcome Miss Ferri and her „bagagge“ of experience, artistry and knowledge in Vienna!



attitude/ Ricardo Leitner


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