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VIENNA: „Promethean Fire“, Vienna State Ballet (Wiener Staatsballett), Volksoper, March 12th, 2023

13.03.2023 | Ballett/Performance

„Promethean Fire“, Vienna State Ballet (Wiener Staatsballett), Volksoper, March 12th, 2023
 Even with tickets being sold for „banana’s prices“ until the very last minute, the house was not full. To be quite honest I did not even bother to count the number of empty seats around me. There were too many.


The present ballet direction’s supporting team has not yet realized that we are not in a province, as they were in Düsseldorf and Duisburg. They keep on trying to give „lectures“ before the shows about the choreographies that are going to be shown. I arrived purposedly late to avoid this „embarrassing situation“ (These are the only words I can find to define such „events“). I must say that I attended once such an event but after „Petipas“ was mispronounced many times by the Chief “dramaturgist” (!?!) Anne do Paço, offending my ears, I had to leave. Furthermore, I refuse to be told what I am going to „see“ and, most of all, what I have to „feel“ while watching a show. This „didactic“ way may have proved efficient at the Ruhrpott (Note: Ruhr Valley in Germany) but it does not work here. It is somehow insulting…

Ricardo Leitner /attitude – the dance-platform


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