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Die internationale Kulturplattform

attitude/ The ballet- platform: New Year’s Concert (Vienna) 2024, January 1st: Vienna State Ballet (Wiener Staatsballett)

02.01.2024 | Ballett/Performance

attitude/ The ballet- platform:

New Year’s Concert (Vienna) 2024, January 1st: Vienna State Ballet (Wiener Staatsballett)

Broadcasted worldwide in over 100 countries, this particular Concert could be considered as „a postcard“ of Vienna and Austria that is supposed to attract attention and tourists, which will bring (with their purchasing power) quite a bit of „movement“ to this little country’s economy. The motto or the Headline of it should be therefore „Austria“. Think of that!

Copyright: ORF/ Thomas Jantzen

After watching the Concert on January 1st, I have watched it twice more in „reprises“.

No question that the musical selection this year, brilliantly surpassed the last ones, making January 1st at home a splendid joy…

Copyright: ORF/ Thomas Jantzen

1.1.2024 (Ricardo Leitner/ attitude


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