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attitude – Ballettblog: A short talk with Márcia Jaqueline – Brazilian Ballerina / Landestheater Salzburg.

18.03.2018 | Ballett/Performance

attitude – Ballettblog: A short talk with Márcia Jaqueline – Brazilian Ballerina / Landestheater Salzburg.


here is a certain, very special quality about Marcia Jaqueline that is getting to be quite uncommon these days: it is as if she’d be involved in a sort of “aura of peace”. She is calm, speaks slowly and is never loud – am I sitting in front of a Brazilian? Even though we were born in the same town, we had never met her before. By the time she was born, I was already leaving Rio. We belong to a complete different generation… I had the chance to watch her on stage while I was visiting but as I have said: we had never met before. Nevertheless I have only heard many (good) things about her, her charisma, her seriosity with her work, her collegial attitude… Many friends that we have in common repeated – without knowing what the others had said – the same (portuguese) words about her: “Ela é uma pessoa do Bem” (A Brazilian expression that means that a person that just does, acts, thinks good things… ).

Ricardo Leitner



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